Big Star Cleaning is a company dedicated to providing cleaning services to individuals, companies or corporations to perform cleaning work at a variety of facilities.

We have been in the cleaning market for ten years, always praising the professionalism and dedication with our clients.

For this we have a highly qualified team, we are concerned with the safety and comfort of our clients, we have all the licenses and insurance to provide our services.

Our biggest difference is the quality of services and the concern with our customers, we are very proud to have several satisfied customers who can refer us.

We will clean any commercial location or government facility, however, we have found the following customers benefit the most from our scheduled cleaning services:

·       Office Space - General, Dental, Law, Financial, Physicians, Insurance offices
·       Showrooms - Car/Truck Dealerships, Transportation Centers
·       Facilities - Manufacturing, Medical, Laboratories
·       Institutions - Bank, Real Estate Branches and Offices, Schools, Corporate Headquarters

Janitorial Services
we offers a full suite of professional cleaning services to all our customers, including:

·       General Custodial (Desks, Doors, Bathrooms)
·       Germ Prevention (common touch points – door handles, light switches, phones, refrigerators)
·       Ground Vacuuming, Moping, Dusting
·       Glass Window Washing

Special Cleaning Services
In addition to our regular offerings, we also provide, special services tasks which are not part of the regular cleaning routine. They are available to our clients as ordered, or can be built into any Scheduled Facilities Service Agreement:

·       Carpet Shampooing
·       Floor Stripping and Refinishing
·       Building Power Washing

Looking for more information or want to chat about how we can provide you with quality service?

16 Plumer St #2 Everett, MA 02149 – Phone: (617) 799-8108  Fax: (617) 799-1907


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