5 Tips to Make Your Home Shine

Since nobody even invented a little robot that leaves our homes shining our goal is to clean fast and right so we have time to perform other daily tasks. With these 5 tips you will:

1- Microwave cleaning
Cut a lemon in half and colloquy in a glass of water. Turn on the microwave and let the water boil. Once done, turn off the lemon juice and rest for 60 seconds. Then open and wipe a cloth inside you will notice that the fat comes out easily.

2- Clean cooker burners
Remove the burners and soak them in a degreasing solution and let hot water soak for a few minutes in force rub the dirt out soon.

3- Cooked pots
Add water and a cup of white vinegar, bring to the boil. Turn off and add two tablespoons of baking soda, let it sit. Empty the pan and wash it by scrubbing it out like burn marks.

4-Grill dirt or sandwich maker
When finalizing the use put two sheets of paper towel moist inside it close it. The moisture along with the heat will make the dirt debris so getting easier. Then it is so removed and finished cleaning with a dry paper towel.

5- Kitchen sponge
One of the biggest villains in the kitchen is a sponge. It concentrates millions of germs, and for greater hygiene and place a damp sponge in the microwaves at high power for two minutes. This process kills up to 99% of the germs. Change your sponge regularly.



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